
Pastors Son Hops On Stage Before Service, Delivers Sermon That Has Entire Church Laughing Hysterically

Every parent understands how difficult and challenging it is to raise a child. Every day represents an opportunity to learn more and exercise more patience. Many people without children simply assume that instincts take over when a child arrives.

In reality, new parents make mistakes and try their best to let love be the guiding principle when raising a child. Children learn by example and being a good role model is a great accomplishment for parents.

Young children are innocent and are constantly learning. They are highly observant and take in an incredible amount of information within their first few years. This constant intake of information leads most children to copy the behavior seen in their parents. Most adults are careful around children with the realization that anything said or done could have the chance to be repeated.

This may explain while one child from North Carolina decided to give an impromptu sermon at his local church. He was only copying what he sees Dad doing every week.

Levi is a spritely and adorable 19-month-old who is fond of making a lot of noises despite his inability to talk yet. He outperformed his father by achieving his first successful sermon before reaching the age of two.

Levi’s father, Pastor Ryan Marlow, is a regular preacher at a local church. One day, Levi wandered onto the stage and began making deliberate gestures in front of the crowd.

It was clear that Levi was passionate about the message he was offering to the crowd.

Although Levi’s communication is still limited to baby talk, he clearly had a message for the church audience that day. His energetic movements and strong presence were enough to catch the attention of the entire crowd. Levi has the potential to be a future preacher if that is something he would find interesting.

Levi’s first “sermon” was captured on video and eventually posted online. The video ended up going viral and has been seen by millions of people across the country.

Even online viewers can attest to the inspiring, cute, and endearing “sermon” given by Levi. Although nobody can really understand what Levi was trying to convey, it is clear that the toddler was passionate and energetic about the opportunity.




After almost a year of watching his father give talks on stage, Levi was only fulfilling the classic adage: ‘Monkey see, monkey do’.

This video serves as a testimony to the inclination children have to copy the actions of their parents. While this video is adorable and harmless, it should serve as a reminder to parents that their children are impressionable.

What a sweet little boy! Have you ever witnessed little children imitating their parents or older sibling? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to spread the joy by showing this video to your friends and family!

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